Scala+GWT home

Release notes

Scala+GWT 0.1-M3

The third official milestone release from the Scala+GWT project.

You can check release notes for previous release here.

This release consists of just samples packaged along with snapshot of jars needed to build them. Those jars include our own version of both GWT and Scala.

This release doesn't come with any official artifacts apart from the tarball you can download from

Changes since last release

Eclipse support

We've integrated Scala IDE so you can develop GWT applications in Scala using Eclipse. Development mode is supported.

Known issues

Reporting issues

We appreciate feedback. If you find something that doesn't work (e.g. crashes either Scala or GWT compiler) or JavaScript gives you weird results we'd love to hear about it. The most effective way of reporting issues is to modify Hello World sample to show your problem. Exact steps are:

  1. Fork scalagwt-sample repo from here:
  2. Clone it: git clone git://
  3. Modify hello world sample located in src/com/google/gwt/sample/jribble/client
  4. Commit and publish your example.
  5. File a ticket here: and mention your fork while explaining your issue.

If you want to discuss your problem before reporting it, join

What if I don't know GWT?

That shouldn't be a big problem. You've got Scala source code for samples that show basic functionality and provides basic setup. You may want to start with changing hello world sample, recompiling it and testing in a browser.

What if I don't know Scala?

You might still want to check out samples to see how they might look in a language other than Java. We'll be cutting a lot more of the boilerplate code once GWT libraries and APIs receive enough of Scala's pimp-love.

Need help? Want to discuss something?

Join us here:

Happy playing!

Scala+GWT team

Scala+GWT 0.1-M2

The second official milestone release from the Scala+GWT project.

You can check release notes for Scala+GWT 0.1-M1 here.

This release consists of just samples packaged along with snapshot of jars needed to build them. Those jars include our own version of both GWT and Scala.

This release doesn't come with any official artifacts apart from the tarball you can download from

Changes since last release

Development mode

GWT's development mode is supported for Scala project now. You can get simple version of development mode by running ant devmode. Then load your application using the url GWT provides. Change edit source code for Hello world sample and then type ant scalac in second terminal. Refresh your page in browser. You should see your changes.

Read more about development mode.

Watch video showing full-blown development mode for Scala.

Known issues

Reporting issues

We appreciate feedback. If you find something that doesn't work (e.g. crashes either Scala or GWT compiler) or JavaScript gives you weird results we'd love to hear about it. The most effective way of reporting issues is to modify Hello World sample to show your problem. Exact steps are:

  1. Fork scalagwt-sample repo from here:
  2. Clone it: git clone git://
  3. Modify hello world sample located in src/com/google/gwt/sample/jribble/client
  4. Commit and publish your example.
  5. File a ticket here: and mention your fork while explaining your issue.

If you want to discuss your problem before reporting it, join

What if I don't know GWT?

That shouldn't be a big problem. You've got Scala source code for samples that show basic functionality and provides basic setup. You may want to start with changing hello world sample, recompiling it and testing in a browser.

What if I don't know Scala?

You might still want to check out samples to see how they might look in a language other than Java. We'll be cutting a lot more of the boilerplate code once GWT libraries and APIs receive enough of Scala's pimp-love.

Need help? Want to discuss something?

Join us here:

Scala+GWT 0.1-M1

The first official milestone release from the Scala+GWT project.

This release consists of just samples packaged along with snapshot of jars needed to build them. Those jars include our own version of both GWT and Scala.

This release doesn't come with any official artifacts apart from the tarball you can download from

What works

Samples show it the best. Here are some highlights:

It's fair to say that we are not sure how far one can go with this release. It might be that you can already build something useful with what we already have. The only way to be sure is start hacking!

Known issues

Fork me on GitHub