Scala+GWT home

Scala+GWT hackers' guide

Git repos

Scala+GWT project consists of a few git repositories:

If you want to hack on any of those repos just fork them on Github. Once you have something ready for review just issue a pull request and we'll look into that.

Suggested local directory layout is to have single scalagwt root directory that contains clones of all repos mentioned above.


Building scalagwt-scala

Building scalagwt-scala is the same as for scala trunk (except you should be building from scalagwt branch). Just type ant and wait several minutes to complete the build. As the result you'll get Scala compiler that supports compiling to jribble.

Building scalagwt-gwt

Building GWT is easy and follows upstream process too (again, build from scalagwt branch). Just type ant dist-dev. You need to have gwt tools set up, check gwt documentation.

Building scalagwt-library

As mentioned above, this project depends on both scalagwt-scala and scalagwt-gwt. You need to configure location of those repos using file. If you are sticking to default layout it enough to just copy to file.

Once are configured just run ant.

Building scalagwt-sample

You need to execute following commands:

mkdir -p lib/gwt
cp $SCALAGWT_GWT/build/lib/gwt-dev.jar lib/gwt/
cp $SCALAGWT_GWT/build/lib/gwt-user.jar lib/gwt/
cp $SCALAGWT_GWT/build/lib/gwt-servlet.jar lib/gwt/
cp $SCALAGWT_GWT/build/lib/gwt-servlet-deps.jar lib/gwt/
cp $GWT_TOOLS/lib/javax/validation/validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar lib/gwt

mkdir -p lib/scala
cp $SCALAGWT_SCALA/build/pack/lib/scala-compiler.jar lib/scala/
cp $SCALAGWT_SCALA/build/pack/lib/scala-library.jar lib/scala/
cp $SCALAGWT_SCALA/build/quick/misc/scala-devel/plugins/*.jar lib/scala/
cp $SCALAGWT_LIBRARY/build/lib/scala-library-gwt.jar lib/scala/

Assuming that $SCALAGWT_GWT, $SCALAGWT_SCALA, $SCALAGWT_LIBRARY and $GWT_TOOLS environment variables are set.

Then run ant.


Check what's happening in the project by looking at issues on github:


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Happy hacking!

Scala+GWT team

Fork me on GitHub